After reading the attention grabbing headlines on my Todayonline - that sneaks into my inbox at about 7am, I thought I had to post it up for all to read. The thing that I felt was a bit silly was the "Free HR Course" which comes as the sub-header.
As if a Free HR Course is going to help SMEs hire mature workers?
Its not going to happen. No it's not that we cannot hire mature workers, SMEs can benefit from the experience these older employees can inject into the company - BUT, SMEs are generally unstructured and fairly unsystematic organisations - even if they grow to the size of having 20-50 staff. These mature individuals will have difficulty becoming accustomed to this unruly, unsystematic and random manner of operating a business.
What SMEs need is not a FREE HR COURSE but more help in drawing in these older workers to want to work for them. SMEs not just have a problem hiring mature workers, they have a problem hiring any type of employee - be it young and immature or old and experienced.
Ask any SME business owner "what is their numero uno problem in operating their business" and they would reply - Hiring capable and talented people to work for them.
I'm not sure about the $400K grant, having processed grants (when I was once employeed), sort of spooked me a little. But anyone used this grant before? Hope to hear your comments.
BTW - I'm hiring too. So if there's anyone that's looking for a job, pls email to